Aeration Systems
Tideflex Aeration Mixing Systems
Optimizing Oxygen Transfer and Mixing Characteristics
R.M. Headlee has provided dozens of the Tideflex Aeration Systems throughout New York State. These systems provide the optimal oxygen transfer and mixing characteristics with reliable backflow prevention, Tideflex Aeration and Mixing Systems are ideal for use in municipal and industrial aeration applications.
While conventional fine and coarse bubble diffusers typically clog with sludge when airflow is interrupted due to blower shutdown or power failure, Tideflex Aeration Diffuser Valves maximize mixing while totally isolating the wastewater from the air manifold and related equipment and instrumentation.
By preventing maintenance shutdowns and eliminating the need to run blowers or compressors around the clock to prevent clogging of the diffusers and manifold, Tideflex Aeration and Mixing Systems provide substantial savings in energy and operational costs.
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No two process applications are alike, which is why our technical experts collaborate with you to provide the right technology to deliver reliable results for your site’s unique challenges.